Announcements & Newsroom

Monsignor Michael LeFevre

May 8, 2023

Reverend Thomas Puzio

May 5, 2023

Knights of Columbus, Ste. Anne partner to bring new 'Heart of Christ' clinic to life (VIDEO)

May 5, 2023

Michigan Catholics sound alarm over bill requiring employers to cover abortion

May 4, 2023

Children's holy hours encourage little ones to start a relationship with Jesus

May 3, 2023

Weingartz Foundation gives $2.2M to aid International Samaritan's African mission

May 2, 2023

St. Agatha Education Fund

May 2, 2023

Sacred Heart Major Seminary sends forth 101 graduates to 'set the world on fire'

May 1, 2023

Churches Not In Communion With Rome But Who Present That They Are

May 1, 2023

Reverend John Shi

May 1, 2023

Reverend (John) Yongli Chen

May 1, 2023

Local artist unveils mural honoring Pope St. John Paul II at St. Clare of Montefalco

April 28, 2023

Detroit Stories Episode 52: 'The Elders Project' (PODCAST)

April 27, 2023

From retired to inspired: 'Movers and Shakers' help Pontiac residents in need

April 26, 2023

Two Sacred Heart seminarians conquer Boston Marathon with God's strength

April 25, 2023

Inspired by popular podcast, third-grader launches 'Kid's Bible in a Year with Teddy'

April 24, 2023

Knights of Columbus give $20K to Right to Life of Michigan during annual pro-life dinner

April 21, 2023

Catholic lawyers object to rule requiring use of 'personal pronouns' in Michigan courts

April 21, 2023

All in God's time: Younger, older priests say vocations happen on God's schedule

April 20, 2023

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, local sculptor finds her calling in art that glorifies God

April 19, 2023
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