Archdiocesan Finance Council

The Archdiocesan Finance Council is a consultative body in place to advise the archbishop on many financial and administrative matters affecting the Archdiocese of Detroit.

The nine-member council is made up of experts in finance, administration and law who help oversee the archdiocese’s annual budget.

On certain decisions, canon law requires the archbishop to seek consultation and sometimes consent from the Archdiocesan Finance Council before acting. Members of the council hold their seats for five-year terms.

Archdiocesan Finance Council

Archbishop Edward Weisenburger

Joseph Amine

Kay Benesh

Harold Burns

Enrico DiGirolamo

Lawrence D. McLaughlin

Timothy M. Monahan

Michelle Shore

Reverend Monsignor William Tindall
St. Michael the Archangel Parish (Livonia)

Mark VanFaussien

Jonathan Woodsum

Curia Contacts
Very Reverend Jeffrey Day
Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia

Donald Genotti
Director of Finance and Controller
Department of Finance and Administration
(313) 237-5825
Brian Mooney
Chief Operating Officer
(313) 596-7153
Michael Schoenle
Chief Financial Officer
Department of Finance and Administration
(313) 596-7159