The Archdiocese of Detroit Office of Evangelical Charity, guided by Unleash the Gospel, supports and strengthens parishes and individuals who, by word and action, witness to the power of God’s Mercy through spiritual and social renewal.
The Office of Evangelical Charity is charged with:
- Supporting ministry leaders by equipping them with resources and opportunities for: formation, mentoring relationships, and spiritual growth;
- Resourcing vicars, pastors, and parish leaders to respond to the human, pastoral, and justice needs of their territories;
- Facilitating communication and collaboration between parishes and local and national Catholic organizations toward building an efficient and comprehensive system of Evangelical Charity ministries;
- Coordinating archdiocesan-wide service initiatives
- Acting as the liaison office between: the Archdiocese; the Department of Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship; Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan, St. Vincent de Paul, and our Mission Partner organizations
- Ensuring that all the Church’s charitable works are an authentic expression of our Catholic faith
Scope of Service
It is helpful to view the Ministries of Evangelical Charity through 8 specific and often overlapping lenses:
- Human Services: Ministries aimed at addressing a specific human need.
- Care Ministries: Ministries aimed at caring for a specific population of individuals.
- Community Outreach: Ministries and activities that partner with and/or support other community agencies and efforts
- Mental Health and Crisis: Ministries that respond to the mental health and crisis needs of community members through the combination of direct and spiritual support.
- Bereavement: Ministries that accompany community members as they find hope and healing through the grief process.
- Pro-Life Ministries: Ministries that support-- through prayer, education, advocacy and pastoral service-- the dignity of life from Conception to natural death seeking to build a culture of life.
- Fraternal Organizations: Societies and conferences that operate for the service of the parish and the poor and for the Christian formation and fraternal support of their membership.
- Justice Ministries: Ministries that advocate for justice and advance the vision of Catholic Social Teaching in the parish and the public square.
Additional Resources and Information
Kathleen Wilson
Coordinator of Gospel of Life and Project Rachel Ministries
Department of Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship