College of Consultors

Every diocese is required to have a College of Consultors, drawn from among members of the Presbyteral Council and stably established for five years. Among other things, the Consultors aid the diocesan bishop in administering the temporal goods of the diocese.

Expenditure Analysis and Review (EAR) and College of Consultors (CC) agenda online submissions:

Submit your EAR here
For expenditures of $25,000 and over, but under $100,000, as well as some other transactions as listed in the Parish Finance Council Statutes.

Submit your CC Agenda item here
For expenditures of $100,000 and above as well as some other transactions as listed in the Parish Finance Council Statutes.

For questions on these forms and the online submission method, please contact the Chancelor's Office at (313) 237-5847 or

Meeting Year 2024–25
Second week of SeptemberAgenda item submission cutoff September 4
Fourth week of OctoberAgenda item submission cutoff October 16
Third week of NovemberAgenda item submission cutoff November 13
Third week of DecemberAgenda item submission cutoff December 11
Third week of FebruaryAgenda item submission cutoff February 12
Third week of MarchAgenda item submission cutoff March 12
Last week of AprilAgenda item submission cutoff April 23
Fourth week of MayAgenda item submission cutoff May 14
Fourth week of JuneAgenda item submission cutoff June 18

Please upload agenda submissions here, especially if you are getting close to the agenda item submission cutoff date.

* these dates are subject to change

** contact the Chancellor's Office for any clarity you might require

College of Consultors, 2022-2027
Archbishop Edward Weisenburger

Reverend John Bettin
National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica

Reverend John Herman, C.S.C.
St. Anne Basilica Parish

Reverend Monsignor Gerald McEnhill

Reverend Suresh Rajaian, S.A.C.
Our Lady of Refuge Parish

Reverend Christopher Talbot
St. Augustine – St. Monica Parish

Reverend Scott Thibodeau
Our Lady of the Lakes Parish

Reverend Stanley Ulman
St. Mary of the Hills Parish

Reverend Edward Zaorski
St. James Parish

Reverend Monsginor John Zenz
Holy Name Parish (Birmingham)

Curia Support
Very Reverend Jeffrey Day
Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia

Brian Mooney
Chief Operating Officer
(313) 596-7153
Michael Schoenle
Chief Financial Officer
Department of Finance and Administration
(313) 596-7159