Catholic end-of-life care for the whole person promotes living and dying with dignity and compassion

Preparing to enter eternity is a profound journey toward God’s loving embrace. These resources can help prepare you and your loved ones for this chapter of life with great Hope. Learn how end- of- life Catholic Health Care upholds your human dignity.

The Vatican Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith's Declaration “Dignitas Infinita” on Human Dignity offers some points for reflection that can help us maintain an awareness of human dignity amid the complex historical moment in which we are living. This is so that we may not lose our way and open ourselves up to more wounds and profound sufferings amid the numerous concerns and anxieties of our time.

John Paul II Dying with Dignity: The teaching of Pope John Paul II about sickness and death came not only from his speeches, addresses, and encyclicals. He instructed just as convincingly with the witness of his own faith in the face of injury, suffering, hospitalization, illness and dying. He gave this catechesis for years.

For an introduction to Advanced Medical Directives and their importance, along with additional links for a deeper understanding of Catholic teaching, consult the Michigan Catholic Conference's Guidelines for the End of Life. (this resource includes a form you can use to designate a patient advocate.)

Now and at the Hour of Death provides clear Catholic guidance for end-of-life decision-making

Ethical Questions

We suggest you contact a priest with your questions for support and counsel. Please contact our office if you would like help in speaking with a priest or someone for end-of-life discussions.

The National Catholic Bioethics Center offers consultation services to individuals free of charge. The NCBC consultation service is intended for individuals seeking moral information and guidance in the face of real-life problems.

There are two ways to submit a consultation request:

  1. Call 215-877-2660; 24 hours/day — 7 days/week.
  1. Online Consultation Request Form: An ethicist will respond to you by email within 5 business days.

The Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services reaffirm the ethical standards that flow from the Church’s teaching about human life and dignity and provide authoritative guidance on some specific moral issues.

Spiritual Care

Assisted Suicide

This Spring 2024 edition of the Michigan Catholic Conference's Focus publication Focus addresses the public policy of assisted suicide, why it must be opposed by all people of goodwill, and shows what true compassion for the suffering and dying looks like

To Live Each Day with Dignity, the United States Bishops’ policy statement on assisted suicide

Top Reasons to Oppose Assisted Suicide

- Summary: Physician-Assisted Suicide

- Catholic Medical Association on Assisted Suicide

- Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia

- Assisted Suicide

- MCC’s 1997 Assisted Suicide Educational Program

Learning Opportunities

Plan Ahead for Peace of Mind Workshops: End-of-life decisions can be difficult for everyone. Attend a free Planning for the End-of-Life Workshop to gain peace of mind for yourself and your family. Receive an overview in pre-planning your funeral Mass and securing your final resting place, learning about trusts, wills, hospice care, senior living and more.

Samaritanus Bonus Compendium Letter of the congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the care of persons in the critical and terminal phases of life. Compiled by the USCCB with a corresponding 6-session study guide.

Eternal Rest: The Art of Dying Well: This 4-part series offered through the Augustine Institute and Formed presents Church teaching about death and God’s response so that we can think about and prepare for death in the Light of Jesus Christ, the Author of Life.