2022-2025 Eucharistic Revival
“Evangelization leads to the Eucharist, since the Eucharist is the fullness of communion with Jesus and his whole Church. On the other hand, the Eucharist leads to evangelization, since our ability to announce the Gospel springs from the passion and resurrection of Christ which is made present anew in the Eucharist”. —Unleash the Gospel Marker 3.4
What Is the Eucharistic Revival?
Jesus’ words in John 6:51, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I give is my flesh for the life of the world” make the radical promise that we can have eternal life through Jesus’ gift of his very self. This gift changes everything for us.
As the incarnate Son of God, Jesus shares in our humanity, and through the Holy Eucharist, he invites us to share in his Divinity. This life-changing invitation to encounter him in the Blessed Sacrament enables us to truly love our neighbor as he loves: with a self-giving love.
The National Eucharistic Revival invites us to renew our love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, by providing a “grassroots revival of devotion and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.” With the Bishops of the United States, we ask the Holy Spirit to ignite a fire that unleashes a movement of Catholics across the United States, healed, converted, formed and unified by an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist — and sent out in mission ‘for the life of the world.’” We will enter into this movement first as an Archdiocese, then as Families of Parishes, and finally as communities, as we continue to embrace our mission to Unleash the Gospel in southeast Michigan.
When Is the Eucharistic Revival?
The celebration of the Eucharistic Revival on a national level launched on the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus—Corpus Christi—June 19, 2022. We begin at an Archdiocesan level which will give an example for and lead to every Family of Parishes participating in opportunities to encounter Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist.
The parish (Family of Parishes) Year of Eucharistic Revival will begin on June 11, 2023 and continue through July 17, 2024.
The Eucharistic Revival will lead to a National Eucharistic Congress which will be July 17 - 21, 2024 in Indianapolis, Indiana and July 17, 2024 — Pentecost 2025 will be a Year of Going out on Mission.
How do I participate in the Eucharistic Revival?
You can be part of this grassroots movement in a variety of ways within your Families of Parishes, throughout the Archdiocese, and at the national level. We will communicate opportunities for involvement as they develop.
The Eucharistic Revival in the Archdiocese of Detroit is a continuation of the work of the Holy Spirit among us to compel us to “Unleash the Gospel.” To learn more about the National Eucharistic Revival, we invite you to watch this free online course on The Mystery of the Eucharist, taught by Bishop Andrew Cozzens, to help “unpack the USCCB document on the Eucharist.”
As we approach the Parish Year for the National Eucharistic Revival, we invite all Parish Point Persons, or those interested, to register for webinars so that each parish is included. "Fanning the flame" of the Eucharistic Revival at your parish will also help Unleash the Gospel in southeast Michigan. Learn more and register.
What is the Archdiocese of Detroit doing?
In partnership with Hallow App, the Archdiocese of Detroit launched I AM HERE in 2022. This initiative shares stories of men and women who have found in the Eucharist the strength and purpose for their lives and inspires you to experience it for yourself. Read these stories and share your own by visiting iamhere.org/.
The Archdiocese of Detroit will host four regional Eucharistic Congress events this Spring and Summer. The Congresses will include dynamic speakers, amazing music, time in prayer, and more. Attend a Congress near you!
The more we love someone, the more we wish to get to know them. Likewise, the more we know them, the more our love for them grows. This is the key for our relationship with God. We come to know the Father through Jesus the Son, who is truly present to us in the Most Holy Eucharist. Don’t miss out on the ways you can grow in love of God throughout this year of Eucharistic Revival.
We encourage you to make use of these resources created and designed specifically for families, priests and deacons, and parishes and schools. Each section will continue to grow as we add new opportunities for prayer and study.
Year of Mission Eucharistic Revival Webinars
Learn More about the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
- Read “What Happens at Mass” by Abbot Jeremy Driscoll, OSB. Discussion questions for each week of Lent are available.
- Watch Bishop Robert Barron's six-episode video series on the Mass
- Letter from Bishop Battersby: Preparing for the Parish Year of the National Eucharistic Revival
- Archdiocese of Detroit Eucharistic Revival Newsletter: Stay with us, Lord!
- Archdiocese of Detroit Eucharistic Revival Newsletter: The Mystery of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Resources for Planning a Eucharistic Procession
Planning Guide and Videos:
Parish Music for the National Eucharistic Revival
- God Our Father, Ever Dwelling (Pluth)
- True Presence Now Among Us (Johnson)
- The National Eucharistic Revival team has also commissioned a hymn and a theme song for the Revival. Both are available here.
Resources for Families
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration Finder
Litany of the Most Holy Eucharist (prayer)
Eyes on Jesus Podcast Episode 1: The Eucharist (audio)
Eyes on Jesus Podcast Episode 13: Turning to the Eucharist (audio)
Eucharistic Adoration Guide for Married Couples
'I Am Here' Eucharistic campaign adds podcast, holy hours, Spanish resources (article)
Get Involved: How Will You Respond? (eucharisticrevival.org)
Catholics attending Eucharistic Congress can expect 'an increase in fire and faith,' sister says (article)
Blessed Carlos Acutis patron Saint of the Eucharistic Revival
The Real Presence (various resources): Christ in the Eucharist Education and Adoration Association
The Healing Power of the Eucharist (Video)
The Eucharist: Summit of All Our Aspirations (Article)
The Eucharist: Source of Life in Christ (Article)
St. Francis of Assisi: Ablaze for the Body and Blood (Article)
The Real Presence of Christ (Article)
Open Door Policy Podcast Episode 25 (2019) (Audio)
Entering into the Mystery (Article)
Pocket Guide to Adoration (Resource)
Why do we go to Eucharistic Adoration? (video)
Why do we need to go to Mass every Sunday? (video)
Why is adoration important? (video)
The Healing Power of the Eucharist (video)
Why do we believe in the Real Presence in the Eucharist? (video)
Open Door Policy Podcast: ‘Love for the Eucharist’ (audio)
The Eucharist: Summit of All Our Aspirations (article)
The Eucharist: Source of Life in Christ (article)
St. Francis of Assisi: Ablaze for the Body and Blood (article)
The Real Presence of Christ (article)
Entering into the Mystery (article)
Open Door Policy Podcast: "Love for the Eucharist" (audio)
Eucharistic Revival | Knights of Columbus (kofc.org)
Blog: Updates and Inspiration from the Revival (eucharisticrevival.org)
National Eucharistic Revival: A Grassroots Response to God’s Invitation
Detroit Rising: Evangelizing Through the Eucharist (video)
'I look at him and he looks at me': Faithful find peace during Advent holy hours (article)
St. Mary of Redford marks Eucharistic revival by building an adoration chapel (article)
Come, let us adore Him: Detroit parishes to host holy hours every night of Advent (article)
Young people encouraged to 'Come, Encounter Christ' at St. Ronald (photo gallery)
Unleash the Gospel Conference 2022: Refueling for Mission Through a Eucharistic Revival (presentations from Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron, Bishop Gerard Battersby, and Bishop Andrew Cozens) (video)
Resources for Priests and Deacons
Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ Homily of St. Pope John II (inspiring article)
Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ Homily of Pope Emeritus Benedict, 2006 (inspiring article)
Pope Francis Urbi e Orbi March 27, 2020 (inspiring article with video option)
Eyes on Jesus Podcast Episode 1: The Eucharist (audio)
Eyes on Jesus Podcast Episode 13: Turning to the Eucharist (audio)
National Eucharistic Revival (sourceandsummit.com)
Holy Hour Against Racism.pdf (webflow.com)
'I Am Here' Eucharistic campaign adds podcast, holy hours, Spanish resources (article)
Link to the September 27th Webinar: In the Midst of the Diocesan Launch Year: Next Steps
Get Involved: How Will You Respond? (eucharisticrevival.org)
National Eucharistic Revival: A Grassroots Response to God’s Invitation
Catholics attending Eucharistic Congress can expect 'an increase in fire and faith,' sister says (article)
Mysterium fidei Encyclical of St. Pope Paul VI (Education, foundation)
Ecclesia de Eucharistia Encyclical of St. Pope John Paul II (Education, foundation)
Sacramentum caritatis Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI (Education, foundation)
The Eucharist: Summit of All Our Aspirations (Article)
Pope Benedict XVI on the Eucharist | Homily (Video)
The Real Presence of Christ (Article)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Resource)
Pocket Guide to Adoration (Resource)
We Adore Him Perpetual Adoration Scheduling Tool (Resource)
A New Process for the Formation of EMHCs (Article)
Leaders Playbook (eucharisticrevival.org)
Bulletin Inserts - Eucharistic Revival - Google Drive
Eucharistic Revival | Knights of Columbus (kofc.org)
Blog: Updates and Inspiration from the Revival (eucharisticrevival.org)
National Eucharistic Revival: A Grassroots Response to God’s Invitation
Detroit Rising: Evangelizing Through the Eucharist (video)
Unleashing the Gospel is Eucharistic Revival (article)
How to Participate in the National Eucharistic Revival (article)
'I look at him and he looks at me': Faithful find peace during Advent holy hours (article)
St. Mary of Redford marks Eucharistic revival by building an adoration chapel (article)
Come, let us adore Him: Detroit parishes to host holy hours every night of Advent (article)
Young people encouraged to 'Come, Encounter Christ' at St. Ronald (photo gallery)
Unleash the Gospel Conference 2022: Refueling for Mission Through a Eucharistic Revival (presentations from Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron, Bishop Gerard Battersby, and Bishop Andrew Cozens) (video)
Knight of Columbus Eucharistic Procession: How To (Video and other resources)
Resources for Religious and Consecrated Life
40 hours Devotion (Article)
Holy Hour Against Racism.pdf (webflow.com)
'I Am Here' Eucharistic campaign adds podcast, holy hours, Spanish resources (article)
Invitation to the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist 25th Anniversary Celebration
Link to the September 27th Webinar: In the Midst of the Diocesan Launch Year: Next Steps
Get Involved: How Will You Respond? (eucharisticrevival.org)
National Eucharistic Revival: A Grassroots Response to God’s Invitation
Catholics attending Eucharistic Congress can expect 'an increase in fire and faith,' sister says (article)
St. Pope John Paul II Vita Consecrata (Article)
St. Pope John Paul II address to Religious on the Eucharist (Article)
Leaders Playbook (eucharisticrevival.org)
Eucharistic Revival | Knights of Columbus (kofc.org)
Blog: Updates and Inspiration from the Revival (eucharisticrevival.org)
National Eucharistic Revival: A Grassroots Response to God’s Invitation
Detroit Rising: Evangelizing Through the Eucharist (video)
Unleashing the Gospel is Eucharistic Revival (article)
How to Participate in the National Eucharistic Revival (article)
'I look at him and he looks at me': Faithful find peace during Advent holy hours (article)
St. Mary of Redford marks Eucharistic revival by building an adoration chapel (article)
Come, let us adore Him: Detroit parishes to host holy hours every night of Advent (article)
Unleash the Gospel Conference 2022: Refueling for Mission Through a Eucharistic Revival (presentations from Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron, Bishop Gerard Battersby, and Bishop Andrew Cozens) (video)
Knight of Columbus Eucharistic Procession: How To (Video and other resources)
Resources for Parishes
USCCB Resources on the Importance of Eucharistic Adoration on the Importance of Eucharistic Adoration (prayers)
Eucharistic Adoration for the Sanctification of Priests and Spiritual Maternity (article)
Eyes on Jesus Podcast Episode 1: The Eucharist (audio)
Eyes on Jesus Podcast Episode 13: Turning to the Eucharist (audio)
National Eucharistic Revival (sourceandsummit.com)
Holy Hour Against Racism.pdf (webflow.com)
'I Am Here' Eucharistic campaign adds podcast, holy hours, Spanish resources (article)
November 18 and 19: Unleash the Gospel Conference (details forthcoming)
Link to the September 27th Webinar: In the Midst of the Diocesan Launch Year: Next Steps
Bulletin Inserts - Eucharistic Revival - Google Drive
Get Involved: How Will You Respond? (eucharisticrevival.org)
National Eucharistic Revival: A Grassroots Response to God’s Invitation
Catholics attending Eucharistic Congress can expect 'an increase in fire and faith,' sister says (article)
International Exhibition of Eucharistic Miracles designed by Blessed Carlo Acutis (Resource)
Revive Parishes Course (Resource video)
USCCB Document on the Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church (Resource)
Sacred Scripture Lectio: Eucharist (Augustine Institute video and resource)
Pope Benedict XVI on the Eucharist | Homily (Video)
St. Francis of Assisi: Ablaze for the Body and Blood (Article)
The Real Presence of Christ (Article)
Entering into the Mystery (Article)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Resource)
Pocket Guide to Adoration (Resource)
We Adore Him Perpetual Adoration Scheduling Tool (Resource)
A New Process for the Formation of EMHCs (Article)
"Awestruck at the Mystery of the Eucharist" | Corpus Christi Procession 2022 (video)
Bulletin Inserts - Eucharistic Revival - Google Drive
Leaders Playbook (eucharisticrevival.org)
Eucharistic Revival | Knights of Columbus (kofc.org)
Blog: Updates and Inspiration from the Revival (eucharisticrevival.org)
National Eucharistic Revival: A Grassroots Response to God’s Invitation
Detroit Rising: Evangelizing Through the Eucharist (video)
Unleashing the Gospel is Eucharistic Revival (article)
How to Participate in the National Eucharistic Revival (article)
'I look at him and he looks at me': Faithful find peace during Advent holy hours (article)
St. Mary of Redford marks Eucharistic revival by building an adoration chapel (article)
Come, let us adore Him: Detroit parishes to host holy hours every night of Advent (article)
Young people encouraged to 'Come, Encounter Christ' at St. Ronald (photo gallery)
Unleash the Gospel Conference 2022: Refueling for Mission Through a Eucharistic Revival (presentations from Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron, Bishop Gerard Battersby, and Bishop Andrew Cozens) (video)
Knight of Columbus Eucharistic Procession: How To (Video and other resources)
Resources for Schools
WHY Video Series with Fr. Mario: Adoration (Video)
Eucharistic Adoration Eucharistic Adoration With Children (Resource)
Blessed Carlo Acutis (Video)
Prayers to Blessed Carlo Acutis (Resource video)
National Eucharistic Revival (sourceandsummit.com)
Holy Hour Against Racism.pdf (webflow.com)
'I Am Here' Eucharistic campaign adds podcast, holy hours, Spanish resources (article)
Link to the September 27th Webinar: In the Midst of the Diocesan Launch Year: Next Steps
Get Involved: How Will You Respond? (eucharisticrevival.org)
National Eucharistic Revival: A Grassroots Response to God’s Invitation
Catholics attending Eucharistic Congress can expect 'an increase in fire and faith,' sister says (article)
International Exhibition of Eucharistic Miracles designed by Blessed Carlo Acutis (Resource)
Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist (Formed.org) Includes Episode for Preparing Children for First Holy Communion and The Miracle at Every Mass (video)
The Healing Power of the Eucharist (Video)
The Eucharist: Source of Life in Christ (Article)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Resource)
Pope Benedict XVI with Children Who Received Their First Communion (Article)
Pope Francis Children and First Communion (video)
Leaders Playbook (eucharisticrevival.org)
Eucharistic Revival | Knights of Columbus (kofc.org)
Blog: Updates and Inspiration from the Revival (eucharisticrevival.org)
Detroit Rising: Evangelizing Through the Eucharist (video)
'I look at him and he looks at me': Faithful find peace during Advent holy hours (article)
St. Mary of Redford marks Eucharistic revival by building an adoration chapel (article)
Come, let us adore Him: Detroit parishes to host holy hours every night of Advent (article)
Young people encouraged to 'Come, Encounter Christ' at St. Ronald (photo gallery)
Unleash the Gospel Conference 2022: Refueling for Mission Through a Eucharistic Revival (presentations from Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron, Bishop Gerard Battersby, and Bishop Andrew Cozens) (video)
Knight of Columbus Eucharistic Procession: How To (Video and other resources)