Catholic Therapists Resources

Updated 606 days ago

When the pastoral situation arises when professional help from Catholic mental health or substance abuse therapists is indicated or requested, these are some websites that offer a listing of Catholic therapists or therapists who honor Catholic faith and values.

Note: Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan therapists have Catholic and non-Catholic therapists who are expected to uphold Catholic faith and morals in their practice.

It is important to express when providing professional referral information that you provide a verbal or written disclaimer such as:

Disclaimer Notice: These are suggested therapist only, and none of these organizations or therapists are employed by the Archdiocese of Detroit, and it is solely your responsibility to find out whether a therapist possesses the qualities that are most important to you. I suggest that you take the time to ask the therapist any questions that you might have, their fees, and make sure you are comfortable. The Archdiocese of Detroit is not responsible for any dissatisfaction or problems that may arise in your private therapeutic relationships.

Clergy and parish staff are encouraged to contact David Grobbel, L.M.S.W. at the AOD Family Ministry Office, who will assist with any questions or with locating a Catholic therapist.

David Grobbel, L.M.S.W.
Marriage and Family Support Ministry Specialist
EMD/Family Ministry | 313-237-5894
