Digital Transformation and the Catholic Church

person  Clergy
Updated 941 days ago

TO: All Priests

FROM: Department of Communications

DATE: August 12, 2022

RE: Digital Transformation and the Catholic Church

As you may recall, last year Archbishop Vigneron released a pastoral note on digital communications, The Beauty of Truth: Communicating Truth and Love in the Digital Age. As with other pastoral notes, it builds on themes introduced in the Unleash the Gospel pastoral letter and provides spiritual and practical advice to help Catholics navigate digital communications and discern the truth in what they read, hear and consume.

As a means of following up on that pastoral note, he engaged in a filmed conversation with Bishop Michael Burbidge of the Diocese of Arlington. In that conversation, Archbishop Vigneron and Bishop Burbidge explore the ways communication has evolved and transformed the way the Catholic Church evangelizes. This one-on-one discussion is complemented by a panel discussion featuring media experts and journalists including Father Charles Fox, Vice-Rector of Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Al Kresta, President and CEO of Ave Maria Radio, Teresa Tomeo, host on Ave Maria Radio, and Greg Erlandson, Editor-in-Chief of Catholic News Service.

We invite you to share these videos and the pastoral note with your parishioners and pray that you and they will find them helpful.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at
