
Metropolitan Tribunal

The Metropolitan Tribunal is the primary judicial arm of the Archbishop and serves according to the mandates of universal and particular law.

In addition to serving as the Court of First Instance for the Archdiocese of Detroit, the Tribunal serves as the primary Court of Second Instance for the suffragan sees of the Province of Detroit (the other dioceses in Michigan) and also adjudicates First Instance cases referred to it by various Eastern Catholic Churches located within the Archdiocese of Detroit.

The Tribunal receives an average of 500 marriage nullity petitions each year. In addition to adjudicating matters concerning the validity of marriages, the Metropolitan Tribunal each year responds to several thousand phone calls and emails inquiring about Church law (Canon Law) on various matters.

Annulments FAQ

Why does the Catholic Church have marriage tribunals?
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How does the tribunal arrive at a decision?
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How can the Church declare a marriage invalid, when it lasted many years and produced children?
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Can I marry again if I receive a stipulation?
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Does a declaration of nullity affect the legitimacy of children?
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What is the fee for an annulment?
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Steps to Annulment
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Does an annulment mean that my marriage "never existed"?
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Who might need a declaration of nullity of their marriage?
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How does the Catholic Church regard marriages of non-Catholics?
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What makes a marriage invalid?
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Can my former spouse contest a declaration of nullity?
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How long does the process take to complete?
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How is the process started?
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Can only one spouse receive a declaration of nullity?
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Will my petition be handled in the diocese where I live?
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What is a declaration of nullity?
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Null and void, validity and invalidity; what does it all mean?
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How does marriage as a sacrament differ from marriage as a legal contract?
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Will my former spouse be contacted?
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What information is used in the interview process?
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Who is able to view my file?
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What is a procurator / advocate?
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Who is the review judge?
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What happens if you receive an affirmative decision?
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What happens if you receive a negative decision?
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What is the status of a divorced Catholic in the Church?
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Who is the defender of the bond?
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