Mission to the American Indian


Our ministry to the American Indian is directed to all corners of the Archdiocese of Detroit, where our American Indian brothers and sisters may be found. Having no reservations within the Archdiocese of Detroit, we are focused on urban Indians (whether formally enrolled in a Tribe or not), those whose family story teaches of belonging to an American Indian tribe but are unable to prove it to the degree necessary to be enrolled, and those who are friends of the American Indian. Our ministry is authentically Catholic and participates to the extent possible in the American Indian spirituality of the Seven Grandfathers. We desire to use liturgically approved native spiritual inculturation in our public and private prayer.

A Note from Deacon Steve Morello, Missionary

The Archdiocese of Detroit has had a ministry focus on the American Indian since the early 1990s when Cardinal Maida granted a request to sponsor a native-focused ministry for American Indians and their friends. Over the years, the needs of the group have evolved, and different leaders ministered to the group’s members. Today, our main focus is ministry within the St. Kateri/Nicholas Black Hawk Circle. The Circle meets monthly, usually on the third Thursday, for prayer, cultural teachings and reflections, discussion within the Circle in the American Indian way, and final prayer. In addition to these Zoom meetings, field trips, pilgrimages, feasts, and outside presenters are part of what we do throughout the year. You are all invited to ‘come and see’ if what we do meets a need within you.

Sign up below to become part of our mailing list outreach and receive a personal invitation to our monthly Circle gathering.

Deacon Steve Morello
Missionary to the American Indian
Department of Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship