Project Rachel is the Church's ministry which operates as a network of professional clergy, licensed counselors and volunteers trained to provide one-on-one spiritual and psychological support for individuals suffering from the trauma of abortion.

“It’s normal to grieve a pregnancy loss, including the loss of a child by abortion. It can form a hole in one’s heart, a hole so deep that sometimes it seems nothing can fill the emptiness. You are not alone…” — US Bishops’ Project Rachel Ministry

"For many people, abortion is the most traumatic experience in their lives. Dealing with the aftermath of an abortion can be one of the most difficult journeys a person will make. You do not have to walk this journey alone.

"Both before and after an abortion, feelings of panic, fear, anxiety, guilt, remorse and pressure are common not only for the woman who underwent the abortion, but also for the father of the unborn child, the grandparents, close friends, and even medical personnel.

"The pain and loss of abortion are often intensified by a sense of alienation from God and the Church.

"If you find yourself in such a place, we want you to know that the Catholic Church cares deeply and wants to be there for you. We extend to you the loving embrace, mercy and compassion of the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ. The Church welcomes you home with unconditional love and the forgiveness of God who loves you with an everlasting love.

"Welcome Home!" — Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron

Project Rachel is the Church's ministry which operates as a network of professional clergy, licensed counselors and volunteers trained to provide one-on-one spiritual and psychological support for individuals suffering from the trauma of abortion. This confidential helpline offers clergy and counseling referrals and Rachel's Vineyard weekend retreats to help you move towards healing and reconciliation with yourself, your unborn child, your family, your church, and God.

Contact the Project Rachel helpline at 1-888-722-4355 or

Resources to assist with healing from abortion

Project Rachel Video Resources A series of short videos about the Project Rachel ministry and its impact.
Hope After Abortion is the US Bishops’ post-abortion healing website with English/Spanish articles on the effects of abortion, personal stories of hope and healing, prayers, and resources.

Rachel Vineyard web site offers English/Spanish articles for men and women, resources, and information on weekend retreats for healing after abortion.

Detroit Stories Podcast — Healing After Abortion: A post-abortive couple describes the healing, forgiveness and peace they found through Rachel's Vineyard retreat

'God heals and He restores': Woman uses own abortion story to help others, extend mercy:Detroit Catholic interviews Maria Espinoza who was 18 years old when she had an abortion in Mexico; in her 30s she found healing and forgiveness in Detroit/

There is hope after abortion.

Thank you for considering joining the Archdiocese of Detroit Project Rachel Prayer Network.

Project Rachel aims to walk with men and women as they navigate their healing journey through conversation, local resources, and (if desired) sacramental healing.

Project Rachel relies on the prayers of individuals like you to support our ministry. Thank you!


As a member of the Archdiocese of Detroit Project Rachel Prayer Network, I pledge to:

  1. Pray a monthly Rosary for healing the Archdiocese of Detroit Project Rachel participants and future participants.
  2. Offer my Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every month for the perseverance of the Archdiocese of Detroit Project Rachel volunteers and staff members to extend God’s Mercy and Hope through this ministry.
  3. Pray a weekly Memorare for the babies lost to abortion, particularly the children of the Archdiocese of Detroit Project Rachel participants and those unborn lives lost throughout our state.

Click here for detailed information on the Rosary, Communion Offering, and Memorare.

Kathleen Wilson
Coordinator of Gospel of Life and Project Rachel Ministries
Department of Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship